## Debian cgit package configuration - see cgitrc(5). ## Enable caching up to 1000 entries in cache-root (/var/cache/cgit). cache-size=1000 ## Static asset locations (suitting to /etc/apache2/conf-available/cgit.conf). css=/cgit/cgit.css logo=/cgit/cgit.png favicon=/cgit/favicon.ico ## Load system mime types. mimetype-file=/etc/mime.types ## Enable downloading snapshots in zip and tar.gz format. snapshots=zip tar.gz ## Enable other nice features. local-time=1 side-by-side-diffs=1 enable-git-config=1 enable-commit-graph=1 enable-log-linecount=1 ## Enable email gravatar filter. #email-filter=exec:/usr/lib/cgit/filters/email-gravatar.py ## Enable source code highlighting filter by pygments. ## You need suggested package: python-pygments #source-filter=exec:/usr/lib/cgit/filters/syntax-highlighting.py ## Configuration for repositories foo and bar. #repo.url=foo #repo.path=/pub/git/foo.git #repo.desc=the master foo repository #repo.owner=fooman@example.com #repo.readme=info/web/about.html # #repo.url=bar #repo.path=/pub/git/bar.git #repo.desc=the bars for your foo #repo.owner=barman@example.com #repo.readme=info/web/about.html ## Configuration for repositories baz and wiz in the extras section. #section=extras # #repo.url=baz #repo.path=/pub/git/baz.git #repo.desc=a set of extensions for bar users # #repo.url=wiz #repo.path=/pub/git/wiz.git #repo.desc=the wizard of foo ## Configuration for repositories managed by Debian gitolite3 package. ## See the instructions on the gitweb integration at ## http://gitolite.com/gitolite/external.html #project-list=/var/lib/gitolite3/projects.list #scan-path=/var/lib/gitolite3/repositories